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The Book

This is your Text paragraph. It’s a great place to add a description of your business, your site or what you do. Use this space to add information for your users, write about your philosophy or your journey and define your distinguishing qualities. Consider adding an image for extra engagement.

The Book: Text

Forward by Tony Alessandra


In Adaptive Coaching for Leaders (AC), Bill Winfrey provides an insightful and intuitive framework to help you further apply the Platinum Rule, by coaching others based on their needs, not yours.

Teams and companies rise or fall based on the quality of individual contributions. Leadership success is thus intricately connected to an ability to coach, to impact performance.


But good performance coaching is not a particular style; it's more about reading and responding well to shifting needs. The challenges of a beginner are much different than those of a high performer, or from someone who has regressed. When coaches default to the style they're most comfortable with, they only randomly fit the real need of the moment. More often they miss the mark or hinder, 


Adaptive Coaching for Leaders will guide you to adapt appropriately to changing scenarios, and then give you a logical system for managing performance over time. You'll clarify roles, key tasks, and expectations. You'll agree on performance levels and their naturally corresponding coaching styles. Coach and co-worker will both benefit from fewer surprises and increased engagement.

My life's work has been helping leaders and co-workers be more effective by adapting to the real needs of others through applying the Platinum Rule°. Adaptive Coaching for Leaders is in that same lane. It will be a valuable tool in helping you become a more others-centered leader, a proven trait of great leaders.

Tony Alessandra, PhD

Author of 32 books including:

The Platinum Rule'

The NEW Art of Managing People

Communicating at Work

The Book: Text
Amazon snip in Canva (1430 x 1080 px) (1).png

Available on Amazon

This is your Image Description paragraph. It’s a great place to add a description of the image displayed in this section, and a few more words about your business, your site or what you do. Use a friendly and conversational tone to engage as many users as possible!

The Book: Image
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